He got the autographs of all three :). Bryce also got to sign the Wyotech banner as a "Grad Turned Pro". It was pretty cool and the Wyotech reps were all really impressed he works for Dave Kindig. I'm so proud of all of Bryce's hard work.
He is also now an official member of the Kindig It Design Team. They had told us he would be on probation for 90 days but they went ahead and made it official a month early and offered him a raise :). I am so glad they recognize the skill and work ethics Bryce has. We are so blessed.
The best part about Vegas was the Bellagio of course. We saw two fountain shows, one during the day and one at night, walked through the beautiful gardens, and ate at Jean Phillips... YUM!
In one of those bags is an M&M onsie :)... Our little boy is going to look like the yummiest little M&M when he fits into six month old clothes.
Even though it's cold we are loving being in Utah and getting to spend time with family and we always love visiting the girls!
Our house finally was approved by the bank at the first of the month and we are to be closing on the 29th. There could still be some possible hiccups but we are hopeful and very excited that this will be the place to start our family. Our sweet little baby boy is still just growing and moving. It's so fun to feel him in there and Bryce has even been able to feel him too :). Here's me day one of week 23!
I'm still feeling great and so blessed to be pregnant. We pray every day he will grow healthy and strong!
We would love to see some updates from the rest of you lovely ladies. Love you all so much!