Saturday, November 24, 2012

Link's 3rd Birthday

Link had a wonderful Dinosaur birthday :) I made each of the kids a dinosaur tail that they got to take home with them. Most of them seemed to be excited about that.

Olive is link's best friend, she is he cute little blonde one wearing the converse :) she is a little sweetheart :)

Link got lots of fun toys, his favorite being the trampoline from papa and Grammy :) he plays on that every day. He also loves the My Little Ponies that he got from shawna's family (not Matt's favorite, lol). I also put a picture of his Mario sweatshirt that he got from his friend Bella (brown braid) :)

All in all, he seemed to love it, and he loved having so many friends over at one time :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy November!

Happy November!! Ha I just didn't really know what to name this post.. We're doing pretty great!

My job is getting better each time I am able to be trained in more things and I finally got trained in one of the major things I'll be doing on a regular basis so I was really excited about that.  The people I work with are all really great and super nice so that's been awesome.  And I got my first pay check!!  

Bryce is still excelling like crazy in school.  He has finished his first phase and they actually got a pizza day because his class got the best overall scores for the phase - I credit a lot of that to Bryce because he's tutored a large portion of the people in his class.

Other random things, our friends had a baby so we go over there regularly so I can hold her :) alright, not just to hold the baby.  Bryce has actually been helping them fix their car a lot lately.  I got stranded on the freeway this week which was pretty scary.  I ended up with a huge muffler stuck under my car.. It freaked me out pretty bad but some really nice highway service people stopped, jacked up my car, removed the muffler, inspected the car for damage, and sent me on my way.  I really appreciated it and wish I could've baked them cookies or something.  They really were great.  Bryce has been called as the Assistant Scout Master.  We get to speak in church next week, which will actually be our first time speaking as a couple.  And Bryce has recently decided that because he gets home earlier than I do, he gets to make dinner every night.  So I now have gourmet meals waiting for me when I get home and even desserts.  Ha, love and miss y'all and we're looking forward to visiting some of you for Christmas!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Charley's 2012 Homecoming Dance

Realized I never posted Charley's Homecoming Pictures with her date Colten Wright and Friends

Papa and Grammy Smurf

Just another party at Grandpa and Grammy's house.
All is well with the old people. Dad/grandpa busy being Bishop and reorganizing our new ward. We've tried to sneak out whenever possible for a quick motorcycle ride weather permitting to help relax with all the changes. Mom/Grammy/Me, I'm staying busy with Stake Primary and slowly getting our home in order, and still being mom! Charley just got done with her oral surgery for her canine tooth implant; and, Ashley getting ready to move back home for a while. So never a dull moment here. We are all very sad that Mitt Romney did not when presidential election, we're in for 4 more years of bumpy road with President Obama. Just have to keep pushing along and doing the best we can!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Ross Family is Enjoying Fall

So its my first time uploading a video... But you guys that are far away need to see how adorable Ms. Ellie is! She sure knows how to brighten anyone's day. She's such a smiling and giggling little sweetie. Can't believe she is 6 months old!!! We had her 6 month check up today and the her new stats are 15 lbs (30%) and 26 1/4 in. (74%) Tall and skinny, just like her papa!

It was fun having Ellie's first Halloween. She was a cute little pumpkin! 

This last weekend we went to Logan to see some friends. We miss Logan! Jordan Howell let me pick out some new hair bows for Ellie. This is one of almost 10 that she let me have. It was hard to even narrow it down that much! They were all way cute :)

Jordan has been studying and getting ready for next month's finals. Today I had my first district screening interview with Canyon's School District. I have interviews with Jordan and Granite districts next week. The lady from Canyon's said that she would pass my resume along to one of their principals that is currently looking to fill an open math teaching position. That means that there is a chance I could start teaching my own classes in December! Crazy!!!! I'm hoping to work in Jordan School District since it would be closer to home but I'll take what I can get. :) I'll keep you posted!

Thanks for the baby bump picture Ruby. Keep them coming. And Syd, I'd love to hear about how your new job is going. And everyone else in the family.... Blog! Love you all!!! 

Baby Bump

Baby bump

Marrie requested more baby bump pictures :) which is good because I haven't taken near enough to document this baby's existence :)

So here's the pic at 16 And a half weeks :) I am finally not sick, and for the most part I have a lot more energy whig Link is most grateful for. And since I am not super huge yet, I can still do most of the things Link and I enjoy. Link talks to his baby sibling sometimes and the other day he said "hello baby, don't worry I will save you". I am not entirely sure what he meant by that...maybe he will be the one delivering?? Lol, saving the baby from mom's belly.

Matt finally finished his 2nd general exam. He had 48 hours to finish it, so Friday he was there from 8:30 in re morning until 9 at night, then went back bright and early in Saturday at 8:00 and finally finished all his exam answers (had to be 5-6 pages each) at about 5:30 pm. He looked so exhausted when he was done, so we took him to Qdoba to celebrate which he appreciated. What a hard worker he is. We sure appreciate it, and hopefully Romney will win so that Matt can get a job after all of this :)

Well, hope you all are doing well. We love and miss you all.
