Sunday, August 18, 2013

We're Coming Home!!

It will have been exactly one year and we are coming home :). I am so proud of Bryce for getting a job with Kindig It Design.  This is pretty much the only shop I actually knew because we have loved his cars at all the car shows.  His company is huge and doing really well so we won't have to worry about job security with it.  The owner is also super nice and seems to really take care of his employees.  It's the perfect job for us and we're so excited.  Bryce will officially start on September 4th.  You're welcome to check out the shop and see some of their stuff - super slick designs.

My coworkers are so sad that I am leaving but we're enjoying my last couple weeks.  My two fellow ACMs took me out for a mani pedi this weekend.  I was so spoiled; I got s hot rock massage and wax treatment and everything :)

They told all the ladies that I am pregnant and moving so they were all so nice to me :). Oh and yes, PS we are pregnant.  We haven't started announcing it on Facebook so it's still not common knowledge to everyone but once we move back and have an appointment with a doctor we'll hopefully have some ultrasound pictures to post and then we will share with all :)

Things are going pretty great though.  I haven't had any morning sickness at all and my work is so excited for us.  I am still trying to convince them to let me stay on with the company and work from home :). We have two weeks for Bryce to get our apartment all packed up and cleaned while I'm at work and I'm sure it won't take more than a couple days since we don't have much stuff out here.  We're super excited to be going back home and be with family, but not so excited that it is right before winter... Lots of fun changes coming up so we'll keep you posted!

Love you all!

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