Friday, May 11, 2012

The Greens!

Yay!  Summer is beginning :)  Congratulations to the Ross family.  We love baby Ellie and hope to see some posts about her soon.  She is just perfect!
Here is a picture of the bed frame, as was promised:

Thank you to everyone who has helped us celebrate my graduation!  It was a very special day and I was spoiled :)
Beautiful cake by Shelly Green

My name card that was read

After receiving my diploma (you can't see it but I am holding it up)

My great husband who made it all possible :)


  1. Love the bed, love the cake, but really, really love that cute girl!!!!!! your fabulous and you make us very proud! No one mom should have 5 perfect, amazing daughters, but I am that mom, thanks for picking me, I definitely won the family lottery!

  2. So AWESOME :) I don't know what the significance of the bed frame is, but I can only guess that the amazing Bryce made it :) Congrats on Graduation :) We loved your announcement, you looked so beautiful.
