Friday, October 19, 2012

Success in Cali!

Yay!  Finally I get to post!  Yes, I finally found a job worth taking!!  Thank you for everyone who participated in this fast I found out about :)  I really appreciate it and am so excited for my new job.  It is about a 30 minute commute which is more than I'd like but I don't have to work on Sundays! Or even on Saturdays!  Ha, I'll be working in a big office building that makes me feel super professional :) and we're not really sure how much of my check will be withheld for taxes here but as long as it's not more than $200.00 I will be able to pay for all our bills.  Bryce is thinking about soliciting himself in the ward as a handiman to try and make some extra money because we would really like to be able to save something but we're both just extatic right now to be able to pay for the things we need!

It was quite a last couple months so here's some updates some of you already know about.  First, I think our vehicles have hated us recently and I don't know why because we generally take good care of them.  The first pic is of our moving truck after it broke down.  It never started working again so we ended up leaving it in the parking lot and unloading the stuffed truck into Howard's truck and the Petersen's trailer which took two loads.  But we were so happy to be done with our Logan responsibilities!!  And still are so happy that stage of our working life is over!

These pictures are of the flat tire we got while moving out to California.  Good thing Bryce has no problems fixing things like this.  We also happenned to get two more flat tires once we arrived in California.  Most of you heard that story but two flat tires in a matter of 20 minutes of driving.  I told you.. our cars hate us.


Besides are tires suffering, our poor little hand mixer broke in our first couple weeks of living in our new apartment.  So maybe it didn't just break, I tried to use it with some pie crust dough making and it busted..  and since we tried to pack light, I didn't bring my Mix Master (which was a mistake, I will be bringing it back with me on the train after Christmas) so now we put the little metal mixers into our drill and Bryce mixes everything for me :)  It's a lot of work and I signed up to make three dozen cookies this Saturday so he's going to get an intense arm workout from that :)

That's pretty much the worst of our experiences and actually we've been having a really great time!  We love our apartment!  I tried attaching a video so hopefully that works but it's a virtual tour of our apartment.  It only takes about ten seconds to see the whole place :)  We also use the pool, hot tub, and gym all the time!

We also go for walks because it's free :)  and these are some pictures from the River Walk nearby.  It is super pretty and the weather is perfect in the evening for a nice long walk.  You can also see this bridge from our balcony :)  That was one of the selling points for the third story apartment.

Here's some pictures just for fun of a jewelry box Bryce made for me.  We just found one of those old secret book things from Ross and added some hooks and netting.  My jewelry is much more viewable and accessible now and we've added another book with all my bracelets.

And finally a little bit about Bryce, the reason we moved here to California.  He LOVES Wyotech!  Ha this is a picture of him on his first day of school.  It was a bit early in the morning for me so I took tons of pictures but they all look blury terrible like this one..  But you can still see how sexy he looks ;)  We thought he would hate the early mornings but he's had no problems getting up and going.  He gets to take his bike to school every day and is doing really great in school.   He was made a Shop Leader his second week of school (only four people out of about 50 get that position).  He takes tests almost every day and aces them!  I'm so proud of him.  For someone I have seen hate school, it is sure great to see how excited and happy he is about it now.  He even worries about his grades!  An A- would just not be acceptable in his book!  Such a nerd ;)

Thanks to Ashley and Mom for coming out to visit.  Hopefully you had a great time, we really enjoyed your company!  Everyone else, know you're welcome to visit any time!  Thanks again everyone for all your prayers and the fast.  We know we have been very blessed.  Glad to hear all your updates, love you guys!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ross Family

Its fall break for me and I am so happy to get to spend a few days at home with Jordan and Ellie. I have a coupon for massage envy that I got for Mother's Day so I might try to use that. And hopefully Jordan and I will finally have time to use our movie theater gift card. Any suggestions on what we should see? We were thinking that Timothy Green movie...

Mom and I are making progress. One step at a time and it is looking great! Next step will be for me to call grandpa and get his help to run the piping for the kitchen sink. :) 

Ellie never stops being spoiled. She got 4 big bags of clothes from our neighbor. This cute bunny shawl was one of the cute things she got. :) She looks adorable all of the time but this was even cuter! ha We could maybe use it as her Halloween costume but I have a pumpkin jumper that I think I am going to have her wear. :) Jordan and I still haven't decided what we will be. I think its time for me to start looking through the dress ups!

These are the crafts that we made during priesthood session this year. Always fun to have a ladies night! General Conference was awesome! I'm excited to get my ensign. :) We sure are blessed to have prophets and apostles to help us know the will of God and remind us what things are important.

Thank you for everyone who participated in the family fast. Sydney now has a job! I hope she posts soon to tell us what she will be doing. We also still want to see pictures of her place and hear how school is going for Bryce.
Ruby, you need to post more baby bump pictures!
I hope you are all doing well. We love you!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

LIttle Babe

We got to hear the heart beat of our little babe yesterday. It was pretty neat, and helps reaffirm that I am indeed pregnant and not just a lumpy mess {like I feel somedays :)}.

Link is being super crazy as always and saying things that crack us up all the time. He has been quoted saying "You have GOT to be kidding me" while asked to go to timeout, he has said "What a joke" when Matt kept dying on a video game, and my favorite, as Matt and I were arguing about who gives more back massages, "Excuse me Dad, mom is nice...and fragile". I think Matt is hoping that we have a little girl so that he will have someone on his side :) Link is slightly a momma's boy, but I can't say I mind :)

Link is super excited for Halloween, and we have been scouting for what we need for our costumes and Goodwill and Salvation Army. So far, we have gotten pretty lucky :) But turns can't bleach everything...sigh. Some suits are just made too well and I literally could not take the color out no matter how hard I tried. So, I am on to plan B, which includes spray paint and sand paper. Wish me luck! I am sure we will have tons of pictures to share :)

Hope everyone else is doing well. Hopefully we will get a post from Syd soon about a new job :) And preferably one that she is excited for :)

Love you all,


Thursday, October 11, 2012


So, for some reason while I was working tonight, I started thinking about Lagoon Frightmares and it made me miss going there when we were little :) I always loved the zombie show that they had right when you come in.

Oh to be young again :) Just made me miss all of us going together. Halloween is such a great time of year. Not only has it been my favorite holiday for many years, but Link has been really excited this Halloween and he is always saying how excited he is for Halloween :) I think he just remembers the candy, lol. 

Hope you all are doing well this Halloween season :)