Tuesday, October 16, 2012

LIttle Babe

We got to hear the heart beat of our little babe yesterday. It was pretty neat, and helps reaffirm that I am indeed pregnant and not just a lumpy mess {like I feel somedays :)}.

Link is being super crazy as always and saying things that crack us up all the time. He has been quoted saying "You have GOT to be kidding me" while asked to go to timeout, he has said "What a joke" when Matt kept dying on a video game, and my favorite, as Matt and I were arguing about who gives more back massages, "Excuse me Dad, mom is nice...and fragile". I think Matt is hoping that we have a little girl so that he will have someone on his side :) Link is slightly a momma's boy, but I can't say I mind :)

Link is super excited for Halloween, and we have been scouting for what we need for our costumes and Goodwill and Salvation Army. So far, we have gotten pretty lucky :) But turns out...you can't bleach everything...sigh. Some suits are just made too well and I literally could not take the color out no matter how hard I tried. So, I am on to plan B, which includes spray paint and sand paper. Wish me luck! I am sure we will have tons of pictures to share :)

Hope everyone else is doing well. Hopefully we will get a post from Syd soon about a new job :) And preferably one that she is excited for :)

Love you all,


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see your costumes! I'm sure you'll all look great!
