Link was a super pill yesterday, and I mean S-U-PER pill. So today when he brought me the jar of jalapenos and demanded that he have a "pickle", I thought of sweet revenge. However, as the good mother that I am, I told him that they are jalapenos, not pickles, and that they are very hot. So he tells me, "then lets blow it off." {clever little fart} Sounds good hun, but it is not that kind of hot. It is more spicy, like the spicy chips you didn't like yesterday.
Well, he just kept pushing it. So I finally gave in and said, "ok, you want a jalapeno? I will give you one."
I chose the smallest jalapeno in the jar and he grabbed it and put it in his mouth. He seemed to like it for the first 5 chews, until he realized that his mouth was on fire. {at this point I am peeing my pants laughing}. So I put my hand out and he spits it out and starts grabbing at his tongue, and has a panicked cry.
I only managed to get a video of the last half of the freak out, but I have to say, I think it was worth it :)
Oh Link...