Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Green Summer

I finally feel like it's time for summer!!  YAY!  Now all I need is my assistant to get back in town so I'm not working 9-5 every day..

Bryce and I put on a big dinner for all our senior citizens this summer and it was a great hit :) It was a dutch oven chuck-wagon dinner that Shelly and Howard catered for us.  I provided some entertainment on the guitar and we just had a good time.

Bryce has also been busy completing more custom paint jobs.  Here are some pictures of the bike he just finished for JJ Paxman:

I am very proud of him and we have all been amazed with his new airbrushing skills!
We were able to go to a Bee's game with all the girls and their dates.  Maybe Marrie will post one of those pictures...?

We went a motorcycle ride with the Green family up to Park City.  We had five motorcycles and then Howard, Shelly, and the kids in the white mustang leading the way.  It was my first time going on the Alpine Slide.  I was pretty scared because Richard (bro-in-law) had previously ripped quite a bit of his arm off going down one but after seeing all the little kids go and learning that I can control my own speed, I got up the nerve and had a great time!

We are looking forward to more summer activities to come.  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I still haven't tried those :) you are braver than me!
