Thursday, November 8, 2012

Papa and Grammy Smurf

Just another party at Grandpa and Grammy's house.
All is well with the old people. Dad/grandpa busy being Bishop and reorganizing our new ward. We've tried to sneak out whenever possible for a quick motorcycle ride weather permitting to help relax with all the changes. Mom/Grammy/Me, I'm staying busy with Stake Primary and slowly getting our home in order, and still being mom! Charley just got done with her oral surgery for her canine tooth implant; and, Ashley getting ready to move back home for a while. So never a dull moment here. We are all very sad that Mitt Romney did not when presidential election, we're in for 4 more years of bumpy road with President Obama. Just have to keep pushing along and doing the best we can!

1 comment:

  1. We missed coming to your Halloween party this year! Glad all went well :). You two looked great!
