Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Findley Family

I wanted to share this video of Link helping Matt mow the lawn :) He is such a goof and loves to push anything, including a super loud lawn mower. He also loves to push this purple and pink stroller that we got from Goodwill. He calls it "push" {original, right?}, and it keeps him preoccupied for hours. Anyway, I guess he moved up from pink and purple to the John Deere mower, which dad is super grateful for since we all know how Matt feels about Link liking girly things :)

The other funny thing I wanted to share is this picture after Link an I left Walmart:

He is such a goof! {pushing the cart is another favorite thing to do} So I looked down while I was pushing and realized that this is where he decided to stick his walmart sticker, lol. He was just walking around with a sticker on his nose like "what? Isn't this where stickers go?". He is such a character, and a lot of fun to hang out with. 

As for Matt:  His study worked!!! He has been working really hard on this study and it is now ready to get ready for a Journal publication. He has been really stressed about it, and is now very excited to get writing his own paper {I say "own paper" because he is now currently working on about 10 for other people, which is still a benefit to him, but this way he is first author which is AWESOME!}. We are super proud of him. 

As for me: I am getting ready for the Etsy holidays trying to stock up on book clutches. Lucky for me the library had a book sale last weekend and I STOCKED UP on a ton of super awesome books for really cheap. I have already been working on them {in and out of migraine pains} and they are coming along quite nicely. I also got surprised when I went to get fabric and realized they were having a 50% sale. All in all the book clutches are working out great :)

I also still love teaching Seminary and I have been learning so much. I am also learning to be a morning person which I never thought could happen {I'm sure you all agree}. 

So that's our update for the week :) Can't wait to see more posts!

Love, The Findleys


  1. I love the sticker on the nose! What a goof! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing these. We miss our little Link!
